Aihearkisto: mosaic-monday

Mosaic Monday: Palm Sunday

Mosaic Monday is hosted by Mary. Please, visit her Little Red House and enjoy all the participants mosaics.

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Before Palm Sunday our children pick willow sprigs with catkins and decorate them with colorful feathers etc. On Palm Sunday the children go from door to door dressed up like witches and wish plenty of health, good luck and blessings by an old rhyme.

Virvon varvon,
tulevaks vuueks,
Vitsa sulle,
palkka mulle!
Virvon, varvon,
wishing you a fresh,
upcoming year.
A sprig for you,
a reward for me!

Mosaic Monday – My Son?

Maybe  they changed him to another baby boy in hospital? Where does his genes come? Certainly not from me, I’ve never even used that sewing machine! I have it, because my old mom uses it sometimes (ok, very often, haha) to repair my children’s clothes, and now this? He was decorating his new bag the other day and I was speechless. And proud. Even though this skill is not from me.

Se on vaihdokas? Pakko olla, enhän minä osaa ommella mitään. Mistä tommoset ompelugeenit siihen on lentäneet? Tuokin kone on meillä vain mummun takia; mummu korjaa ja paikkaa, minen tiedä edes miten se lanka monimutkaisesti  sykkyröidään ja pujotellaan ties mistä rei’istä, että saadaan lanka kulkemaan. Ja nyt tämä 14-vuotias ompelee koristuksia laukkunsa täyteen tosta noin vaan!  Ooh, kuinka olen ylpeä pojastani, vaikka mulla ei ole osaa eikä arpaa tuohon taituroimiseen.

Mosaic Monday is hosted by Mary. Please visit her Little Red House to see other participiants Mosaics, too.

Mosaic Monday: Aquarium

Don’t get me wrong, I love winter, snow and ice, I love all the seasons in my country and I feel privileged to live in a country with real four seasons. I’m only bored to shot  snowy sceneries and frozen lakes, cannot find any new angle to shot the beautifully frozen and snowy pines. So. I’m sharing with you my family’s visit to my hometown’s aquarium the other day in November.

Please, click to enlarge for better look the photo-mosaic.

For more mosaics, head over to Mary’s at Little Red House.

Mosaic Monday: At The Restaurant

My family has a habit to go to a certain restaurant for dinner every year at the 1st of January. And so we started this new year 2010 also this year. The food is excellent in this Spanish style restaurant and I enjoy so much the company of my beautiful family.

Perheemme jokavuotinen miellyttävä traditio: Menemme aina samaan loistavaa ruokaa tarjoavaan ravintolaan syömään uuden vuoden päivänä.

Mary in Little Red House is hosting Mosaic Monday. Drop over and enjoy all the other mosaics.

Mosaic Monday

It has been a very rainy and dark Autumn here in Finland so I’m in need of light. Yellow!

Mary in Little Red House is hosting Mosaic Monday. Drop over and enjoy all the other mosaics.

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Hopefully white Christmas with it’s lights is coming, I love it so much. Christmas is absolutely my favourite season, and I’m starting an Advent Calendar with doors to open here in my blog tomorrow!

Mosaic Monday

Found this Mosaic Monday this morning (Tuesday). So my mosaic is not fresh, it’s from my archives. Hope I can do better entrance next time!

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Nyt tuli kiire! Löysin Mosaic Mondayn ja on jo tiistai, siis ainakin meillä. Laitan tähän vanhan pikku kuvakoosteen, jos ensi viikoksi ehtisin jotain uutta väkertää.

click to enlarge

Mary in Little Red House is hosting Mosaic Monday. Drop over and enjoy all the other mosaics.